Browse below or search for your topic of interest in our expert fundraiser blog library. If you’d like to join thousands of fundraisers and get our Fundraising Champion emails delivered to your inbox, sign up here. We promise to keep your information private and keep our emails fun and informative. Because we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Individual Giving: The Secret to Nonprofit Financial Stability
Individual giving is crucial for nonprofits, offering more flexibility and long-term support than corporate or foundation funding. Focusing on individual donors helps ensure financial stability and sustainability.
A Home Run in Donor Recognition: The Power of Personalized Appreciation
This blog explores creative donor recognition ideas with unique themes that go beyond plaques, fostering deeper connections and inspiring lasting engagement.
Mastering Donor Meetings: Ask Boldly, Fund Your Nonprofit Mission
Want bigger gifts for your nonprofit? Be bold and specific. Instead of letting donors take the lead, clearly state your needs with a specific amount, timeframe, and purpose. Confident asks lead to bigger commitments.
Expert Network for Nonprofits: Finance, Legal, Design, and Construction Support for Fundraising Success
Heller Fundraising Group connects clients with a trusted network of nonprofit experts, from finance and legal advisors to branding, architecture, and more. Our tailored approach meets nonprofit organization’s unique needs, ensuring success in fundraising, capital campaigns, and beyond.
Capital Campaign vs. Major Gift Program: Which Fundraising Strategy is Right for Your Nonprofit
Learn the key differences between a Capital Campaign and a Major Gift Program to determine which is right for your organization. Explore strategies for donor engagement, relationship-building, and fundraising tactics to help you succeed in both short-term and long-term efforts.
Building Strong Donor Relationships: Why Treating Donors Like Royals Can Hurt Your Campaign
Learn how treating major donors like royal children can harm your nonprofit's fundraising success. Discover key strategies for building strong, balanced relationships with donors while maintaining respect and confidence.
New Partnership: Frailty Myths – Empowering Change Through a Transformative Capital Campaign
Learn about our partnership with Frailty Myths, an inspiring nonprofit led by women, queer, & people of color (POC), all dedicated to empowering underrepresented communities & challenging oppressive narratives.
Beyond Charity Work: Why Competitive Pay is Key for Effective Nonprofits
This blog debunks myths and explores why competitive salaries matter in the nonprofit sector.
Ten Steps to Your Major Gift Checklist
Learn how to attract passionate donors and cultivate meaningful relationships for lasting impact with the top 10 insights from our recent training session with Vistage. Prioritize quality over quantity and shift your narrative to inspire transformative giving.
Propel Your Nonprofit Forward: Expert Solutions to Common Fundraising Roadblocks
Discover crucial strategies for nonprofit success and delve into key insights, ranging from converting members into donors to maintaining a strategic balance for heightened fundraising efforts.
Accelerate Your Fundraising Potential with Our Natural Networks Worksheet
Boost fundraising success with the Natural Networks Excel Worksheet. Harness existing connections and accelerate your potential. Download the Free Tool and make a lasting impact for your cause.
Craft a Compelling Fundraising Narrative with this Flowchart Tool to Tell Your Nonprofit Story
Craft an impactful fundraising narrative with our Story Flowchart Tool. Use our Free Tool to help you tell your nonprofit's story with clarity and inspire donors to make a difference.
Q&A with Our Fundraising Consultants: What Does A Fundraising Consultant Do?
In this blog, Peter Heller interviews a selection of nonprofit consultants from the Heller Fundraising Group. How do fundraising clients transform and benefit from working with us? Read more to find out!
Q&A Spotlight with A Fundraising Consultant: Gary Friedmann's Top Tips for Nonprofit Success
Our consultant, Gary Friedmann, has helped dozens of nonprofits raise over $60 million over the last 30 years. In this blog, he provides expert fundraising advice and top tips for nonprofit organizations worldwide.
Q&A Spotlight with A Fundraising Consultant: Lisa Mantone's Top Tips for Individual Giving, Capital Campaigns, Feasibility Studies and Endowment Campaigns
Our consultant, Lisa Mantone, provides expert fundraising advice, top tips for individual giving, capital campaigns, feasibility studies and endowment campaigns in this informative Q&A blog.
The Top 5 Tips for Working with Fundraising Consultants
Peter Heller and fundraising consultants with The Heller Fundraising Group share their expert advice and top 5 tips for nonprofits everywhere.
Q&A with Our Fundraising Consultants: Capital Campaigns, Feasibility Studies, and Consultant Specialties
Our team of expert fundraising consultants provide advice, top tips for individual giving, capital campaigns, feasibility studies and endowment campaigns in this informative Q&A blog.
Allies In Action Member Spotlight: Peter Heller interviews Peter Heller about his views on the ways to improve the world through allyship and supporting nonprofits everywhere for a just world.
Nonprofit Marketing: How To Raise More Money By Tapping Into Emotions
Should you use your own emotional insights to raise funds for your nonprofit? Our guest blogger & mental health expert, Dr. Abishek Allam, shares marketing examples & his expert insights on why emotions are important to include in your nonprofit fundraising campaigns.
How To Measure Social Impact for Nonprofits in 6 Steps
Guest blogger, Kenneth Cerini, explains a multistep process to help nonprofit organizations measure and report on their social impact. How well does your organization address a social issue or cause? There are 6 key steps that can you can use to help measure your nonprofit’s contribution to the overall wellbeing of society.
How Fundraising Consultants Help Break Through Nonprofit Challenges
Why should you hire a fundraising consultant? - To help you break through barriers to raise a lot more money! The Heller Fundraising Group consistently guides its clients to raise more money than ever before. The secret to our success; combining our philosophy and our expert practical strategy and tactics.
You Have an Endowment, Now What? Solutions for Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit directors are often subject area experts, but not necessarily financial experts. For many, the task of shepherding an organization’s financial resources can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Read on to learn the questions you should ask to craft a financial beliefs profile that will help your organization prepare to find the right professional management team.
Nonprofit Major Gift Solicitation as Performance: Personal Preparation and More Fundraising Skills I Learned in My Opera Career
Soliciting a gift is a performance, isn’t it? Why not prepare the way a performer does? Pragmatic suggestions from this opera-singer-turned-major-gift-fundraiser will help you be your best self at a solicitation meeting.
Action After the Pivot: Strategic Planning Lessons for Times of Fundraising Uncertainty
It’s time to be agile. Strategic planning should not only result in a plan, it should also make organizations more strategic, allowing them to better meet the challenges of a dynamic environment.
Transactional versus Transformational Giving: Ideas for Building Meaningful Nonprofit Philanthropic Engagement
We’ve all done something – given in just enough – to get someone to stop doing something – to stop “bugging us” about something and go away. Perhaps it’s the dog begging for human food – you might toss fido just a bit, to get him to go away. Or your child begs for another hour on the swings – you might give her 10 more minutes, just to stop the badgering. And you might give a “go-away gift.” A gift that is just enough to get the solicitor to go away. That is a transactional gift.
Nonprofits and the Best Timing for Real Estate Deals
It’s 2021 and we’re still in the pandemic, with no real idea of when it will end. How should nonprofits be approaching real estate deals in a time of such uncertainty?
Giving It Away — The Thrill of Pro Bono Support For Nonprofits
Do people value what they don’t pay for? Margo Amgott of Amgott Interim LLC certainly believes they do! Read on to learn how Margo offers her unique skills to mission-oriented non-profit organizations pro bono, just when they need interim leadership the most.
Why I’m Passionate About Major Gift Fundraising
How do you feel about asking for money? Your mindset makes all the difference. Our Senior Consultant, Betsy Steward, loves it! Read on to learn why.
Top 3 Outcome Measurement Tips - Critical to Nonprofit Survival, Now More Than Ever
To remain viable in today’s reality, nonprofits must be able to understand and demonstrate the difference they are making. Fortunately, focusing on three basic strategies goes a long way. Read on to learn more.
Would your Nonprofit Pass a Development Audit? A 10-Point Checklist with Tips
No matter the size of your development office, the essentials remain the same. Ignore them at your peril! Use our list to consider whether or not your nonprofit has fundraising fundamentals in place, and how they might be improved.