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Heller Fundraising Group Team Heller Fundraising Group Team

Ten Steps to Your Major Gift Checklist

Learn how to attract passionate donors and cultivate meaningful relationships for lasting impact with the top 10 insights from our recent training session with Vistage. Prioritize quality over quantity and shift your narrative to inspire transformative giving.

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Peter Heller Peter Heller

How To Measure Social Impact for Nonprofits in 6 Steps

Guest blogger, Kenneth Cerini, explains a multistep process to help nonprofit organizations measure and report on their social impact. How well does your organization address a social issue or cause? There are 6 key steps that can you can use to help measure your nonprofit’s contribution to the overall wellbeing of society.

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Peter Heller Peter Heller

How Fundraising Consultants Help Break Through Nonprofit Challenges

Why should you hire a fundraising consultant? - To help you break through barriers to raise a lot more money! The Heller Fundraising Group consistently guides its clients to raise more money than ever before. The secret to our success; combining our philosophy and our expert practical strategy and tactics.

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Heller Fundraising Group Team Heller Fundraising Group Team

You Have an Endowment, Now What? Solutions for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit directors are often subject area experts, but not necessarily financial experts. For many, the task of shepherding an organization’s financial resources can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Read on to learn the questions you should ask to craft a financial beliefs profile that will help your organization prepare to find the right professional management team.

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Heller Fundraising Group Team Heller Fundraising Group Team

Transactional versus Transformational Giving: Ideas for Building Meaningful Nonprofit Philanthropic Engagement

We’ve all done something – given in just enough – to get someone to stop doing something – to stop “bugging us” about something and go away. Perhaps it’s the dog begging for human food – you might toss fido just a bit, to get him to go away. Or your child begs for another hour on the swings – you might give her 10 more minutes, just to stop the badgering. And you might give a “go-away gift.” A gift that is just enough to get the solicitor to go away. That is a transactional gift.

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Heller Fundraising Group Team Heller Fundraising Group Team

Giving It Away — The Thrill of Pro Bono Support For Nonprofits

Do people value what they don’t pay for? Margo Amgott of Amgott Interim LLC certainly believes they do! Read on to learn how Margo offers her unique skills to mission-oriented non-profit organizations pro bono, just when they need interim leadership the most.

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