Browse below or search for your topic of interest in our expert fundraiser blog library. If you’d like to join thousands of fundraisers and get our Fundraising Champion emails delivered to your inbox, sign up here. We promise to keep your information private and keep our emails fun and informative. Because we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Capital Campaign vs. Major Gift Program: Which Fundraising Strategy is Right for Your Nonprofit
Learn the key differences between a Capital Campaign and a Major Gift Program to determine which is right for your organization. Explore strategies for donor engagement, relationship-building, and fundraising tactics to help you succeed in both short-term and long-term efforts.
The Secret to Top-Level Fundraising Success: Listen to Your Donors
if you are a fundraiser, don’t waste precious time gabbing on about your accomplishments with your donors and prospects. Your job is to double down on listening. I learned this lesson the hard way. Here’s what happened….
Nonprofit Major Gift Solicitation as Performance: Personal Preparation and More Fundraising Skills I Learned in My Opera Career
Soliciting a gift is a performance, isn’t it? Why not prepare the way a performer does? Pragmatic suggestions from this opera-singer-turned-major-gift-fundraiser will help you be your best self at a solicitation meeting.
Transactional versus Transformational Giving: Ideas for Building Meaningful Nonprofit Philanthropic Engagement
We’ve all done something – given in just enough – to get someone to stop doing something – to stop “bugging us” about something and go away. Perhaps it’s the dog begging for human food – you might toss fido just a bit, to get him to go away. Or your child begs for another hour on the swings – you might give her 10 more minutes, just to stop the badgering. And you might give a “go-away gift.” A gift that is just enough to get the solicitor to go away. That is a transactional gift.
Why I’m Passionate About Major Gift Fundraising
How do you feel about asking for money? Your mindset makes all the difference. Our Senior Consultant, Betsy Steward, loves it! Read on to learn why.
Donor Cultivation: How to Handle Angry Phone Calls
Angry donors can make for a hard day, but listening to them is worth it! Read about what you can do when faced with an angry call, and why you should welcome it as an opportunity.
Client Spotlight – Ossining Children’s Center COVID Era Ribbon Cutting
You can’t keep a good project down. Despite the pandemic, Ossining Children’s Center has continued to hit exciting milestones in their Capital Campaign.
Build Your Natural Networks – Best Fundraising Growth Strategy
How many times have you heard, “Fundraising is really about relationships?” It’s true. This blog article describes how to turn this concept into a powerful reality for your nonprofit.
Q&A Lessons: Nonprofits Speak with the Voice of Experience
What are nonprofit leaders thinking? How have the last 6 months of the coronavirus pandemic impacted their work and perspectives? In this blog post, 3 nonprofit leaders - a Development Director, an Executive Director & a Director of Philanthropy - are brought together to look back at what they wished they’d known, and what they look forward to learning.
Naming Opportunities: When Politics, Policy, & Philanthropy Collide
How does your nonprofit decide who is an acceptable donor? Read about two huge gifts that Lincoln Center (NYC) accepted and see what you think about the divergent politics.
Major Gift Fundraising is Still the Same (COVID or not)!
Our social and physical movements have changed during Covid but basic human relationship needs have not. Are you still practicing the tried and true methods of fundraising?
Handwritten Notes, the Secret Weapon in Fundraising
Research shows that a handwritten thank-you note sent immediately after you receive a gift helps ensure a repeated—and often increased—gift. We live in a time when everything is automated: you buy something online and immediately you get an email saying how important your business is… yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Secret Fundraising Strategy For Galas
Galas can be a fun and exciting evening, but not usually a good time to do serious major gift fundraising. How can you turn your next event (or even virtual event) into a powerful action step with your top donors and prospects.