Browse below or search for your topic of interest in our expert fundraiser blog library. If you’d like to join thousands of fundraisers and get our Fundraising Champion emails delivered to your inbox, sign up here. We promise to keep your information private and keep our emails fun and informative. Because we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Fundraising & 1929 Great Depression
We all get nervous during hard economic times but fundraising can often still be robust. Read about what happened during the 1929 Great Depression and it might surprise you!
Fundraising Leadership: Attitude is Everything
As fundraising consultants, we watch our clients deal with high-stress levels on a daily basis. Raising money is a daunting task, especially when the goal is in the millions. Our work offers many opportunities for feeling afraid, dismayed, and discouraged. It’s vitally important that those leading the fundraising effort stay aware of the energy and attitude they share with their team. The team takes its cues from its leaders.
Is Your Feasibility Study Terrible?
Most likely your Feasibility Study is terrible! Sorry to be the one to tell you so. Read our article to find out why and how you can still have a successful capital campaign.
Stewardship in Advance, aka Gift Agreements
It’s like that old joke, “When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke? When the punchline is _a parent_.” Here’s my variation: “When does a gift agreement become stewardship? When it’s written down.” Ok it’s not really funny. But it IS true - if it is written correctly. Let’s break that down.
4 Helpful Tips for Fundraising During a Recession
No one knows for sure what will happen this year. I sincerely hope we don’t experience a repeat of 2008-2009. Not only was my fundraising job extremely stressful, but my husband got laid off in October 2008 as well. So, yeah, I’m not excited about doing THAT again. That said, I thought this might be a good time to share my experience of raising funds during that awful time known as “The Great Recession.”
Getting that Visit in 3 Easy Steps – A Primer on Fundraising Cold Calls
I’ve spent the last two decades as a professional fundraiser and fundraising consultant, and during these years I’ve tried out many different methods of getting in to see a prospective donor in person (the gold standard for fundraising prospect visits). I’ve cold called, cold emailed, sent letters, used LinkedIn, you name it.
Handwritten Notes, the Secret Weapon in Fundraising
Research shows that a handwritten thank-you note sent immediately after you receive a gift helps ensure a repeated—and often increased—gift. We live in a time when everything is automated: you buy something online and immediately you get an email saying how important your business is… yeah, yeah, yeah.
Anna Karenina and the 6 Elements of Capital Campaigns
What did Leo Tolstoy know about fundraising? Find out what his classic novel has to say regarding a universal truth about needing to get your people and systems in alignment.
The Secret Fundraising Strategy For Galas
Galas can be a fun and exciting evening, but not usually a good time to do serious major gift fundraising. How can you turn your next event (or even virtual event) into a powerful action step with your top donors and prospects.
Outrageous Fortune Interviews
Founder and Principal Peter Heller of the Heller Fundraising Group interviews his colleagues about their most outrageous moments in their fundraising careers.
Avoiding Capital Campaign Mistakes
What can you do to avoid capital campaign pitfalls that will derail or weaken your work? This article describes the most common mistakes and offers simple solutions.