Anna Karenina and the 6 Elements of Capital Campaigns

By Peter Heller

Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina – considered by many as the greatest novel of all time - begins with these words:

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

This well-known opening line has left a lasting mark, serving as the inspiration for the Anna Karenina Principle.

The Anna Karenina Principle states that there are specific elements every system must have to function effectively/happily. A deficit in any of these specific elements will doom an enterprise to fail. A successful or “happy” enterprise is one in which every element is functioning well!

As far as I know, the Anna Karenina Principle has never been applied to nonprofit Capital Campaigns. And yet the application of this principle is evident in my work as a nonprofit fundraising consultant. So, here goes…

Just like in a happy family, there are specific elements that must be in place for Capital Campaign success. Here are the 6 Elements we believe must be well functioning for your organization to have a “happy” Capital Campaign:

  • Dollar Goal

  • Case for Support

  • Steering Committee

  • Prospect List

  • Systems and Staffing

  • Timing

If one of these is not at its peak potential, your campaign will not reach its goal. When each element IS at peak performance, your organization will have success, abundance… the possibilities are endless.

When the Heller Group team starts working with our nonprofit clients on their campaigns - including an analysis of these 6 elements - we find that every nonprofit is “both happy and unhappy in its own way.” Each of our clients comes to us with a unique set of problems to solve. Invariably, the key to campaign success relies on getting one or more of the 6 campaign elements into peak shape.

We know we have been successful when our clients reach their capital campaign goals and have created sustainable, functioning systems. This makes them very “happy families.” (And us, very happy consultants!)

Do you suspect that your organization has deficits in the 6 Key Elements for Capital Campaign Success? Contact the Heller Fundraising Group today and let us help you turn your nonprofit into a “Happy Family”!

Peter Heller is the Founder of the Heller Fundraising Group, a New York City-based fundraising consulting firm that works with local, national and international nonprofits on capital campaigns, campaign feasibility studies, major gift programs, and hands-on training. peter@hellerfundraisinggroup.com_**


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